Welcome to HARUG! Harper Adams R Users Group
Slack: https://harper-adams-rug.slack.com/
2021-07-07 Bootcamp launch ::: ppt
2021-06-30 Github website ::: ppt ::: template zip
2021-06-23 Gavin’s scripts and data ::: zip
2021-06-15 tidy data and script ::: ppt ::: post hoc zip
2021-05-19 post hoc tests ::: ppt::: post hoc zip
2021-05-05 SEM intro pt 2 ::: ppt::: accessories zip
2021-04-28 SEM intro pt 1 ::: ppt::: accessories zip
2021-04-20 Rstudio Server AWS test and demo (Ed) ::: activities doc ::: script zip
2021-01-06 Blocking in analysis! (Magda) ::: script and data
2020.12.16 Principle Component Analysis (PCA) ::: ppt slides ::: PCA tutorial on DS Garage
2020.12.09 Dock leaf deep learning discussion ::: python notebook
2020.12.02 Chat about R/stats bootcamp ::: EDA stats material (password == rafisher) ::: Chat about reproducible examples in R
2020.11.25 Organizational meeting ::: zip ::: ppt
2020.08.05 What does the future hold???
2020.07.29 (Wed 3pm Teams) Data Science skills assessment extravaganza ::: zip ::: ppt
2020.07.22 (Wed 3pm Teams) Meta analysis methods II (Ed) ::: zip ::: ppt
2020.07.15 (Wed 3pm Teams) Joe Robert R + Hugo + Github + Netlify in 30 seconds
2020.07.08 (Wed 3pm Teams) Meta analysis methods I (Ed) ::: zip ::: ppt
2020.07.01 (Wed 3pm Teams) ::: Zuur Ch 07 (Ed) ::: zip ::: ppt
2020.06.24 (Wed 3pm Teams) ::: Deriving 1-way ANOVA effect size from the literature ::: zip ::: ppt
2020.06.17 (Wed 3pm Teams) ::: Zuur Ch 06 (Ed) ::: zip ::: ppt
2020.06.10 (Wed 3pm Teams) ::: Extracting effect sizes from the literature (Ed)
2020.06.03 (Wed 3pm Teams) ::: Zuur Ch 05 sec. 5.10 (Ed) ::: zip ::: ppt ::: Mantel Test stuff
2020.05.27 (Wed 3pm Teams) ::: Keras and Tensoflow in R zip
2020.05.20 (Wed 3pm Teams) ::: Zuur Ch05 (Ed) zip ::: ppt
2020.05.13 (Wed 3pm Teams) ::: How to ask stats/data questions (Ed) ::: Ag ML and Kaggle (Joe Mhango) ::: R spatial heatmaps (Joe B-C)
2020.05.06 ::: Zuur Ch04 (Ed Wed 3pm Teams) zip ::: pdf
2020.04.29 ::: TidyTuesday part 2 (Joe Roberts 3pm Teams)
2020.04.22 ::: Zuur Ch03 (Ed Wed 3pm Teams) ::: zip ::: pdf
2020.04.15 ::: TidyTuesday activity (Joe Robert 3pm Teams) ::: Joe slides ::: Ed graph code
2020.04.08 ::: Zuur Ch 02 part 2 (Ed Wed 3pm Teams) ::: code files ::: pdf
2020.04.01 ::: Ana Natalio stats code (Ana Wed 3pm Teams) R code
2020.03.26 ::: Zuur Ch 01 and Ch 02 part 1 (Ed Thurs 3:30p Teams) ::: Ch 01 slides Rmd and pdf ::: Ch 02 part 1 Rmd and pdf ::: Joe B-C’s Ch 02 html
2020.03.12 ::: Dunn Ch 02 (Ed) Ch02 notes md (part 1) ::: Ch02 notes pdf (part 1)
2020.03.04 ::: TidyTuesday live coding (Ed) ::: markdown Rmd::: pdf slides
2020.02.27 ::: Dunn Ch 01 (Ed) Ch01 pdf ::: Ch01 notes pdf ::: Ch01 notes Rmd
2020.02.05 ::: M47 Graphing and TidyTuesday ::: TidyTuesday ::: graphs ppt ::: graph script ::: anovaDat
2020.01.15 M47 Joe’s ggplot2 exercise ::: ggplot2 slides (Joe B-C) and script :::
2019.12.11 WG4 Why use R? ::: Ed slides :::: Talk: (Joe Roberts) R MotivatorTM :::: Quick stats: simple ANOVA in R :::: Tool tip: Jamovi :::: Seasonal: R code advent calendar
2019.11.20 M47 R intro material test ::: Ed R programming group test :::: other files :::: butterfly eggs
2019.10.16 M47 Effect size and powah :::: Ed Effect size and power slides :::: other files